It was only 4 and a half months ago I was standing on the first tee at the Australian Speedgolf Open after only 5 weeks of training feeling nervous as hell about what might happen over the course (pardon the pun) of the next hour.
And now here I am at home late on a Friday night, contemplating the next 2 and a half weeks as I make my final preparations for the British Speedgolf Open on the 9th of September. I’m already feeling the butterflies in the tummy at the thought of chasing some of the worlds best around the golf course. I know deep down that I have the speed and ability to bring home some silverware but it all comes down to that one moment where for 45-50 minutes I’ll be huffing and puffing my way around Piltdown Golf Club trying to put the best golf score together that I can. It seems so crazy that when you put into perspective that I will be spending 42-45 hours on planes just to compete. I can only imagine how Usian Bolt must feel travelling all over the world to run for less than 9 seconds at a time. I know I have to remain in the moment the whole time. There’s no second chances.
I am so grateful to all of you, my students, supporters, and sponsors, for all of the assistance and encouragement. A special shout out to Drummond Golf who have made all of this a reality. RingIR and EvolutionQSE have also been an integral part of helping me get to these events. I would also love to give a shoutout to my home town golf club Sporties Cobram Barooga Golf Club, my favourite place to play on the Murray River, where I was lucky enough to have the time to take the boys for a few holes on a recent trip to Melbourne
So with only 12 days before I hop on a plane to England for the first time in my life, I know I still have a lot of hard work to do, fine tuning everything until the very last day, but I am quietly excited for what lies ahead.
By James McMaster
Check out more from James McMaster on his blog
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